I had blockages in both legs and underwent several operations on my right leg, and had it amputated above the knee. I had an abdominal aortic aneurysm, which also required surgery. I was in the ICU fighting for my life.

My wife, Toni, spoke to the doctors. “I didn’t know if he was going to make it,” she says. “The doctors asked about taking him off the machine. I made the decision to continue, and I am so glad I did.”

Ultimately, I recovered. Medically stable, I was discharged to Slate Valley Center to start my rehab journey. The therapy is beautiful, the entire staff is very helpful, and the care is excellent. I may have lost my leg, but I’m making great strides toward meeting my goal— getting stronger and returning home to Toni.

I would recommend Slate Valley Center to anyone; they do a great job!