It was just crazy, it happened out of the blue—no warning whatsoever. I was picking up my son, stepped out of my car, and crumpled to the pavement. Somehow, I had broken my ankle. And when I say broken, I mean shattered, as though my ankle was made of glass. I was in the OR at Glens Falls Hospital that afternoon, and the surgeon had to pick pieces of bone out of my leg.
When I came out of surgery and realized what had happened, I was devastated. Stand up and walk? I thought: Never going to happen. But I couldn’t stay in the hospital forever, and chose a rehab facility at random: Slate Valley Center. It was the luckiest thing that ever happened to me.
The physical and occupational therapists at Slate Valley Center are dynamite! I went into the place in the worst frame of mind possible—and, thanks to them, I walked out, on my own, in the best frame of mind. They turned my life around. My biggest problem now is how much I miss all my good friends at Slate Valley Center!